Friday, January 22, 2010

Day Sixteen

Hungry this morning!

Some things surfaced this morning while on the way to the gym, I felt irritated and slightly off, discontent. Seemed to be a busy morning with a lot of different energies out there. Anyways after the gym things shifted.

Did some intense yoga. I am self taught and do not go to classes…I love to practice on my own. I studied Hatha in depth in 1997 after tearing my left hamstring. This was just before the big yoga craze in North America.

Did some headstands and they were remarkably easy to my surprise, it’s been a few months since my last one! My balance was perfect. Practiced backbends and splits, scissor and Russian. I can do all these to the floor with the exception of my left side (skating injury torn hamstring).
The fast is helping me to be extra stretchy and supple.
I really love what is happening to my body, this layer of fat coming off is revealing long lean muscles that looked kind of bulky before…like speed skater legs!
Speaking of skating…I stopped training a couple of years ago after making Western Canada’s top competitive synchro team. A few things contributed to my having to let it go which was disappointing to say the least.
As an Ice dancer sychro was kind of fun and similar in some of the footwork but not really my thing...however making that team ( with girls more than 10 years younger than I) was a milestone for me and a confirmation of my abilities.

My life long love for Figure Skating has not vanished and I am intending to get back on the ice and get serious. It’s a big commitment of time and money.

Okay, after training clients I stopped at Whole Foods and got some organic veggies for the weekend. This is what I am drinking this weekend.

and this is what I create...

That one is beet carrot and pear. Super Yummy but a little too sweet for my taste...celery or cucumber reduces the sweet factor. Next time.

Cleaned my kitchen. Juicing is messy business. A lot of people complain about the clean up from juicing but I don’t find it too difficult or time consuming. It’s all part of the process. I think some people just find stupid things to whine about and to be dissatisfied about. When you cook you have to clean up so whats the biggie?

*Releasing toxins can also involve releasing toxic people from your life.*

I wanted to mention as part of my cleansing process I use Bentonite Clay externally and internally. This clay has magnetic properties and thus the ability to pull heavy metals out of the body. You can use it in a bath for 20 min and/or you can drink it.
When taken internally it passes through the colon, where heavy metals are stored, and binds the metals for elimination. It is important to take fiber when you drink it and drink loads of water to keep everything moving. The common fiber to take is psyllium husk, found at any health food store.

During this fast I have not used it internally but have taken a weekly soak in it. I also do a facial with it. Bathing in it makes you feel wonderful because of the minerals in it. It’s also good for getting trace minerals into the body when taken internally.

When I’m not fasting I try to drink it daily…about a teaspoon per day. It tastes like nothing. There are three types, white, green and red clays. White is the least drying on the skin but I normally use green clay because I think it has more mineral content. Could be wrong.

BTW, this is the stuff they use in spas. I’ve been doing my own “spa treatments” for years and for “dirt” ; ) cheap! I’ve also made my own facial care made with the most exquisite ingredients and 100% natural and simple. That’s a topic for another blog!
You really don’t need tons of money to pamper like Cleopatra, although money helps.

My teeth really want to bite down on food. Got a craving to eat an apple. It’s weird not being able to chew anything.
The other thing today is I am so cold, can’t seem to warm up without a bath. Wanting hot food…all I get is hot broth.

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