Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day Twenty Four

Missed yesterdays post. It was good, busy and with moments of irritation here and there, mainly when around crowds of people...tourists! Ha! Right, the Olympics.
They are arriving in larger waves now.

Consumed the usual.

This past week has been the most challenging so far and I'm not sure why. Maybe it is a number of factors together but I think mainly because I've been so damn hungry even with the juice.

Today...did 8k or so, did some shopping for jeans, trained clients. Feeling that it is time for some rest after a busy active week. Sometimes it's hard to stop and I seem to have endless energy most of the time. Not this morning however, everything that I needed to do seemed difficult and I felt kinda sluggish and slow. The rain does not help.

When you fast for this long it can get a little boring. After a while you start to get sick and tired of juice and for me I crave salt and avocado, and nuts kind of fat. I don't have a sweet tooth at all so the carrot and beet is really sweet for me which is why I like to add celery and or cucumber to tone it down. I like celery juice on it's own or with spinach and it's high in sodium so that takes care of my salt needs. Electrolytes.
Daily intake of fresh carrot and beet is so good for you, both are very high in antioxidants and together they act to clean and build the blood flushing out all the toxins and nasty things in the bloodstream. Beets juice is used to heal cancer patients. It does taste really amazing too.

Now my mind is in countdown mode... 16 more days. Doesn't seem long to me. That's a really good feeling. After overcoming the intense temptation to eat on day 21 I know I've experienced the most challenging part of this and that I can make it to day 40 no sweat.

Check out this cowboy Rocco and his amazing story of transformation. I love this. I love Dr Oz.
Dr Oz turns meat eating cowboy vegan

If Rocco can wake up and change anyone can! : ) All you need is the "Fab Four": a willing spirit, a little discipline, some commitment, and perseverance.

*End Note:
This is probably the most amazing thing I have ever set out to accomplish in my life.
It is transforming me at the core of my being.

All the great masters, like Jesus, Buddha, the Yogis, Mohamed and other less known figures fasted in order to be initiated into higher states of being. It's a prerequisite.

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