Sunday, February 21, 2010

A few last thoughts

It's well beyond the fast now, at least 15 days or more. Back to normal eating.
I did 100% raw up until a couple of days ago.
As it turns out my body type is not happy with a number of vegetables in their raw state, specifically all cruciferous veggies. That includes cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach etc. I can't digest these veggies so I end up with bloating and terrible gas pain. Never had any problems with my previous diet and am almost always gas free.
According to auryvedic medicines Dosha system I am Pitta/Vata constitution and Vata specifically cannot digest crucifeorus veggies raw. So being on an all raw foods diet is not the right way to eat for this body type. These veggies need to be lightly steamed so that they can be digested more easily.
I am going back to my pre fast diet now, of  quinoa, steamed veggies, raw veggies, fruits, occasional sprouted grain bread, nuts and nut butters. This diet has worked for me for years and I feel very good when I eat this way.
I will juice again periodically when it feels right for my body. Most likely I will not juice for this length of time. 21 Days is good for long term fasting.

The conclusion I have come to is that we are all so different and our bodies each unique and it is clearly unrealistic to think that one blanket diet will work well for everyone. I thought I could go 100% raw until I tried it and felt like I was going to blow up with gas!! yikes that can't be good for my body!
Eating less, adding more raw, juicing and fasting for cleansing the body are good measures to increase vitality and longevity.

Anicca is a trainer and plant based nutrition specialist focusing on working with plant based diets for athletes and those who are ready for radical change. Website Thriving Mostly Raw

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day Forty

Did 10 days raw food from Day 30 to 40 and have eased back into eating some cooked food. The majority of my diet is raw, salads, fruit, all kinds of veggies nuts, nut butters, tahini based salad dressings.
I actually prefer to eat this way now and feel better when the bulk of my food is living.

It does take a while to transition back to "normal" eating and the amount of food the body can handle is very small. I get full so quickly.

All in all fasting was awesome and I will be doing it again.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day Thirty one

Eating raw veggies/fruits now.

Did my first real workout since the fast and wow did it feel good. I have lost some strength but that will come back fast. Enjoyed a salad post workout made with soft tofu, spinach, lemon, balsamic, olive oil, garlic and tahini. The soft tofu is really clean and easy for my body to digest. It was so good. My portions have changed dramatically, I feel full on very little food.

It is interesting to have experienced different reactions from people regarding fasting. Many people have no idea about it and think it is some radical unhealthy crazy activity... they equate it with starvation. I am always amazed at how quick people are to judge something they know absolutely nothing about.
And then there are those who may know nothing about fasting but are intrigued, interested, open to learning and discovering something new.

What I have to say about this experience is that it changed my life, I was “healthy” before but I am certain my body was holding a lot of toxins (in those stubborn fat cells) and my liver was over taxed. All that has been flushed out of my system for good. I thought my eating habits were good but now that I am eating living foods all the time I see there was room for improvement. My skin is better, my energy is better, no more headaches, I have clarity of mind, and I just feel so good in my own skin. Can’t say I felt so prior to this adventure. There is an increase in vitality and I feel happy with my life in all ways.

Shout out to the nay sayers! How can feeling better than ever be unhealthy???

Now that I know just how amazing juice fasting and water fasting is for healing and regenerating the body I will do maintenance fasting for the remainder of my time on this planet.
Here’s what I plan to do…Two 10 day juice fasts per year when I feel the need for it (most likely spring and fall) 3-4 days per month juice/water fast.
With all the cleansing I have done over the years I have to say this was the most effective and powerful for me and I used no herbs at all only vegetable nutrients. It was safe and for the most part provided me with more than enough energy to continue on with my active lifestyle.

As I learned on this fast unless I am totally sedentary (probably not going to happen) any fast over 21 days is too much for me. I felt great up until the last five days, which were a struggle for energy that I need to do my work.
Fasting for 10 days is a great way to keep up with a clean system provided you keep a good diet of mainly fresh living foods. Fasting is a preventative health measure.
Longer fasts have their place for deeper healing and spiritual purposes.

As for the spiritual aspect of fasting I don’t feel any more spiritual than I did before, my practice is the same. Perhaps the more noticeable thing would be the increase in clarity and in truly being in the moment ….always.

When you abstain from food and control your mind and all it’s wants and desires it gives you a real sense of power, who you are, your spirit is not your mind and what you think. While fasting the higher self is allowed to be in control and this opens a space for authenticity.

After all we are not these fleshy bodies. We do need to honor our bodies and what we put in them so they will function optimally for our purpose and missions on this earth.

It is evident in the world when you look at all the DIS -EASE, that the masses are entirely disconnected from themselves (GOD, Source energy) and caught up in the material world ever striving for the empty rewards of money and possessions. Seeking happiness from outside one self in things, people, food, drugs, sex, material power. It’s a lost cause.

Here is some information about fasting and it’s benefits ….the following text is copied from the site

*Benefits of Juice Fasting
Doctors today are saying that one of the major reasons more people are getting unhealthy and sick is due to our overall "waning immune system." One of the greatest results that following a fast can achieve for you is an enhanced immune system, which will help keep you from illness and disease.

Boosting Your Immune System
Most of the processed foods eaten in today's society produces an acid ash in our systems. The alkalizing foods, such as greens, veggies and the non-sweet fruits, certain grains and nuts, and other whole, natural foods, are often not as prevalent in our diets as is necessary. Since we are over 70% water, our internal fluids need to be kept pH neutral just as any backyard swimming pool. Our miraculous bodies are at work constantly to keep our internal world neutrally balanced, but when more acids accumulate in our body than our natural elimination systems can discharge, we start to become too acidic.

Eventually our cells are drowning in acid wastes, our system begins to slow down and we literally begin to slowly decay from the inside out. We begin to have overgrown amounts of yeasts and fungi, and as they devour the excess sugars and acids, we enter the initial stages of deterioration. We get ill and have low energy. We have aches and pains, don't sleep well, can't focus, have poor memory and arthritis. Our immune system by this time has become greatly weakened and our body shows signs of imbalance. Fortunately, it is reversible, simply by changing your internal terrain through fasting and slowly adjusting to healthier foods.

There are many benefits that can be achieved through fasting, including:
• a cleansed and regulated colon,
• weight loss (fat, not water),
• balanced pH and blood sugar levels,
• strengthened immune system,
• increased mental clarity,
• loss of cravings for sugar and other stimulants,
• cellular cleansing and rebuilding,
• diminished toxin load,
• diminished pains and allergies (some disappear completely)
• blood, tissue and organ cleansing,
• restored liver function capacity,
• increased energy levels,
• and an enhanced sense of joy and lightness is usually experienced.

Fresh Vegetable Juices Provide Everything Your Body Needs
Juices provide plenty of fresh natural sugars, salts, enzymes, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and probiotics, all in their appropriate proportions, for the rebuilding your body will be doing during a fast. Because juices require minimal digestion and are readily absorbed into the system, they do not interfere with the need for the digestive system to be almost completely shut down, which leaves the body's energy available for the deep cleansing and rebuilding activities of a fast.
Juices also provide enough fluids to ensure the colon becomes thoroughly washed, while simultaneously allowing one to feel satisfied and never hungry.

A Penny for Prevention is Better Than a Pound for Cure
Health care today can be an extremely costly undertaking, once you're sick. Why allow yourself to get sick in the first place? The body is amazingly resilient, and with a little care it will serve you well for a long time. Honor your body and your life by spending a little time and money to keep it healthy to begin with, instead of waiting til it's too late! Ideally, one should fast twice a year, preferably once in the Spring and once in the Fall. If you can discipline yourself to do it at home, fantastic! *end quote

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day Thirty

Photo taken today at Jerhico Beach

Back to eating solid veggies and fruits and it sure takes a lot of chewing! My jaw gets tired since it's been out of use for so long.

The fast was really awesome and has changed my outlook on food. I am not interested in eating anything other then fresh salad and fruit at the moment...suppose this may shift as time moves forward.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day Twenty Eight

Gearing up for coming off the fast.

Did some weights today, yoga and cardio. I just couldn't wait to work my muscles. I only trained legs and decreased the weight a little since It's been 4 weeks. It felt soooo good. Ah! Needed that.

40 days is an eternity for me not to workout. It's murder. That's it, I am done the "juicing only" part of my fast on day 30. Going to eat watermelon, drink juices and eat greens, and some tahini for protein for the last 10 days.
Been thinking about fasting one day a week or a few days every month for maintenance. Now that I've had this experience that will be very easy to do.

Thinking about taking a dance class soon, I wanted to do ballroom because it relates to the style of figure skating I do but now am thinking to take Hip Hop instead. I love hip hop and dancing. Once you have the basics down you can develop your own style and there is no limitation to what you can create. It's free and the music is so fine.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day Twenty Seven

Yesterday I felt so tired and weak so I ate an apple and a small amount of baby spinach with olive oil and lemon.
It was too late to juice and I was so exhausted from training. I needed iron bad so that is why the spinach.
Felt better after this and it was the right thing to do.
Not sure if this means my fast has been broken? Maybe just interrupted.

On the Raw Food lifestyle. I have been researching more and discovered that there are so many different styles of this lifestyle. Some are strictly vegan, while others consume raw meat, fish, eggs and dairy (yogurt).

It is always best to be in tune to your body and listen to it's needs.

As with living a raw food lifesytle it is my perception that everything should be in moderation and a strict raw diet is not for everyone. Certain nutrients are not bio available in some foods when raw, for example the lycopene in tomato's is not released until it has been cooked.
Personally, I need to continue to eat legumes, grains like brown rice and quinoa cooked and I think there is room for that. Things like fish (which I love) need to be cooked as well, the risk of parasites and other nasty things are higher when fish is consumed raw, and I don't like raw flesh.
As an athlete, I require good sources of lean protein and when I was training in ice dance 25+ hours per week I got my protein from legumes, fish, nuts and yogurt mainly and this was perfect for my body. I know that some athletes are fine on raw food alone with no animal protein at all but I don't think it's for me.

All things in moderation.

I really, really miss working out, training my muscles...god it feels like forever since I pushed a weight. I want to get back at it next week so I am going to have to figure out some source of protein. Maybe hemp powder in a smoothie.
Looks like I'm going to start coming off the fast for real after day 30. My body is saying enough.

I am now wearing a size 7 jean! Before the fast I was at a size 10. Bonus.