Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day Seventeen

Decided to do water/lemon/cayenne/raw honey today. No juice.
Doing fantastic. Still want to bite into something and looking forward to all the super yummy Raw recipes I am going to indulge in when I graduate!

Did a 10k walk this morning around Stanley Park. Got a lot of research done during the day so my brain is finished with reading and looking at the computer screen and my blackberry.

As I go deeper into this fast and feel more and more amazing I have decided to commit to converting to 100% Raw Food Diet after the 40 days. I am convinced that this is the only way to true health and vitality. Thinking back to when I was a kid, I would feed my meat to my dog under the dining table when my parents were not looking, I knew the meat was not the best for my body. You can bet I ate all my veggies and tons of them. I used to eat raw veggies and fruit out of my grandmas garden stuffing myself with so many carrots, peas, raspberries and strawberries that I'd have no room for dinner. I love raw food.

I was not ready to go 100% Raw 2 years ago when I first seriously explored this lifestyle, because at that time I had so many things going on that I could not really focus my energy.

I am doing this because it feels good.

No aches, no pains, no need for supplements, increased vitality, soaring energy, happiness, joy, bliss, I can grow most everything I eat, it's delicious, healing, nutritious and on and on.

I never felt that great even with my "healthy diet", my muscles were always tight and sore and my energy levels were average. I especially noticed this in the past 2 years after increasing chicken, fish and eggs in my diet over legumes soy and other proteins. After a while it just seems normal to feel less than amazing. Until you juice fast!

I was reading somewhere the point that we are the only species that cooks it's food...destroying the enzymes and creating toxins. Of course animals don't cook but who thinks about it right? I didn't. Animals eat raw. I think back to the horses I grew up around, how powerful, muscular and beautiful they are on a diet of hay, oats, barley, grass, water and that's it. They love apples and carrots too!
If you look back in history our ancient ancestors ate Raw foods, they also fasted and cleansed the colon on a regular basis.

It's natural and simple.

*A point of interest
Raw Food Celebrities include...Demi Moore, Alicia Silverstone, Angela Basset, Sting, Woody Harrelson, Bryan Adams...*

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